prune picker

This is the blog of a prune picker. (Native born Californian) Retired oilfield. I am an old man. I blog a lot about my body and getting old. As I approach death life gets more interesting. More interesting is not good. I still drive. I attend sports, music, and civic events. I am writing my memoirs. I attend swim class three times a week. Some of my blogs might be interesting. A lot of my blogs are silly and trivial. None are very long.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

A walk in the park.

Rhonda stood me up this morning. (She had work to do.) So when I walked alone I was able to look around at the scenery. I am usually busy looking into Rhonda's eyes. Rhonda is an adopted grand daughter. She is too young to be an adopted daughter. I thought these two views were kinda nice.

I see many lovely views driving around this area right now. The fall colors are great.

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