prune picker

This is the blog of a prune picker. (Native born Californian) Retired oilfield. I am an old man. I blog a lot about my body and getting old. As I approach death life gets more interesting. More interesting is not good. I still drive. I attend sports, music, and civic events. I am writing my memoirs. I attend swim class three times a week. Some of my blogs might be interesting. A lot of my blogs are silly and trivial. None are very long.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Ethan on stage!

Ethan is in the orange bandana. He was in a chucrh program lasr night. He had a lot of lines to speak and was really good. He really enjoyed being on stage. He is nine and the oldest of my great grandchildren
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1 comment:

  1. I enjoy prunepicker. It makes me feel almost like I'm in Louisiana too. How about some photos of John and Kerry's backyard? I'd also like to see some of all of the feral cats around the back door. And maybe one or two of your trailer?


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