Monday, December 31, 2018

Two lovely ladies.

I visited them yesterday. They are so lovely. Never seen them look better! Rhonda Ray and her Mom Rosa Blakley. Sweet friends.

Birthday 10 Party

Christian Steven Newberry my number 8 great grandchild. was 10 yesterday. There was a party to celebrate and I was there!

Time for presents.

Time for cake and ice cream!

If Christian keeps this up he will be as handsome as I am some day !

Vital Signs for December 2018.

Darn. My goal for weight was 210 by the end of the year. That would have been five pounds lost in December. But I only lost two. It is getting hard to loose weight. I will try for three pounds in January or 210 pounds by February.

No colds or such in December. Just the usual esophagus.

Friday, December 28, 2018

Form 52b--MEDICAL DEPARTMENT, U.S.A. (Revised October 25, 1940)

I was going through some papers the other day. I have been doing this a lot. I am trying to throw things out to save the time of people who will be going through my stuff after I kick the bucket, I found a copy of the subject form that had been attached to me when I was wounded on Peleliu Island. The form is yellow with age, With a magnifying glass I could make out some of the writing, It is dated September 28. I know that the year was 1944. It is 75 years old!

The card is 3 by 6 inches and had a string to tie the card to me. How did I keep the card for 75 years? I made a trip back to Pearl Harbor, then to Leyte. then to Okinawa, then to Korea, and then home. I went to college, Jackie and I raised four children, and then we retired and lived and traveled in an RV for 34 years. And I still have the card!

I can make out my name and rank (PVT), gun shot wound in each knee, Xray ordered, and something about gangrene.

After my buddies carried me down off Bloody Nose Ridge I was placed on a jeep with stretchers and taken to a field hospital.

Then to a hospital ship and to a hospital on Guadalcanal.. I am really impressed that I have the hospital card after 75 years.The card was the spark for this blog.  Guess I can throw it away now.

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Christmas 2018

Here is a report on my Christmas today. I started out posting this selfie on Facebook (with seasons greetings)  and got a heart warming response.

After breakfast at Waffle House with John it was nap time until the Newberrys arrived from West Monroe. Then it was more food and presents.

Ross, Joy, Ethan, David, and Christian. Joy is holding a new puppy.

Ten years old and a new 22! What could be nicer?

The Newberrys invited Grandpa John and Grandma Kerry to join them them in a photo. The Old PrunePicker was the cameraman,

Saturday, December 22, 2018

RIGID RULE. No presents for the old PrunePicker !

Please do not give gifts to the old PrunePicker. 
Life is so much easier without presents. I have all I want or need. It would be a lot of work to pick out and send several dozen presents. I do not send presents or cards, except to great grand children under 18 years old. Jackie and I decided on this policy many years ago. We even had grandchildren under 18 then.

However I did receive a present the other day. As I have eaten some of the present I must accept it. (with thanks) But please no more.

A dozen Harry and David pears from Medford, Oregon. Oh so good!

Monday, December 17, 2018

Cousinhood (Our 41st President is my 6th cousin?!)

I was going through some of my old genealogy papers yesterday when I came across an old Ancestry print out of my Dad's relationship to George Walker Bush. I had forgotten about this data. Wish that I had thought of it during the funeral week for President George H W Bush. But better late than sorry. The print out was dated October 10, 2007. My wife Jackie had passed away in March, 2007 and I had plunged into genealogy studies the first years after she passed away.

The next two pictures are of the print out. I do not recall how I got the print out. I doubt that I could do it again. I trust for the data. It indicates that the Monson family and the Bush family have a common Grandmother, Elizabeth Scudder who lived from 1622 to 1700. Therefore we are cousins.

I have added to the data my self, my oldest daughter, her oldest son, and his oldest daughter. From the cousin calculator chart I find the following cousinhoods. They are presented after the cousin chart.

I am the 6th cousin of George H W Bush. The senior Bush and I are both in the seventh generation from Elizabeth Scudder. I am a 6th cousin once removed of George W Bush.

My daughter Nancy and all my children are 7th cousins of George W Bush.

Matt Wrock and all my grand children are 7th cousins once removed of George W Bush.

Winter Wrock and all my great grand children are 7th cousins once removed of George W Bush.

Evidentially the Bush family is unaware of our close relationship. If they were we would surely have  been invited to the funeral of George Herbert Walker Bush. They probably have lots of cousins, however.

Sunday, December 16, 2018

Ruston's Battle of the Paddle Chili Cook-Off.

Good hot chili. The Battle was held at the Framer's Market yesterday. This us the last Farmer's Market until next April.

Katelyn Farjardo joined Andrew and Andy Richardson to bring some good music to the festivities. They are good. I enjoyed their music.

Sure is a big paddle. First prize also was worth $500. Not too shabby.

The Chili Cook-Off was held outdoors behind the market on a rainy day. But that did not cool the chili or the fun. 

Breakfast anyone? A bunch of eggs on the griddle.

A nice Farmer's Market. I am looking forward to April.

They say that the old prune picker does NOT have dementia!

One of my readers was a psychologist in her other life. She and others say, based on observation, that I do not have dementia. That the memory lapses that I have had are normal. I am happy to accept their diagnosis. See how happy I am?

Sunday, December 9, 2018

The old prune picker has dementia.

I have probably had dementia all my life but it is worse recently. I will give two examples. I go to lunch every Wednesday at the Senior Center. Have for years. I enjoy it and look forward to it every week. Several Wednesdays ago I thought about lunch in the morning but did not think of it again until one pm! Too late to go! How could I have forgotten?

Yesterday day at Walmart I had three items in my basket. I was at the check out stand and looked in my basket. There wer only two items there. I told the cashier that I must have dropped my third item somewhere in the store and that I would go get a replacement. Just then I looked at the counter and there was the third item! In a matter of seconds I had forgotten that I had placed the third item on the counter! I had looked all over my cart looking for that third item.

This is a matter of concern to me. Especially the Walmart checkout. I had absolutely no memory of placing that item on the counter.

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Today is ‘First Thursday”

On the first Thursday of each month the Cook Baptist Church of Ruston, Louisiana holds a pot luck lunch. Over the years I have made many good friends who attend Cook Baptist. One in particular is Tommy Ledford, Sr. For ten years I have attended lunches at the Senior Center and Tuesday breakfast at the VFW Post with Tommy. Finally Tommy talked me into attending the First Thursday Potluck lunch. I am so glad that he did! I love the wonderful down-home cooking and the people. Tommy takes a wonderful apple salad every time.

If I became a Baptist I would join the Cook Baptist Church. In the meantime I hope to be at the First Thursday Potluck Lunch every month. That should make me sort of a member.

Here are a few pics of the lunch today. Hmm Hmm good!


Saturday, December 1, 2018

Vital Signs for NOV 2018

I am proud that I lost 5 pounds last month. From 220 to 215. I have not been to 215 for twenty years. I played hight school football at 210. I have lost 35 pounds in seven months. I did not lose any weight in October. I am going to try to get to 210 by Jan 1, 2019.

I had a good month except for a week with a head cold and cough. Had a temp of 100 one day.