Sunday, December 16, 2018

They say that the old prune picker does NOT have dementia!

One of my readers was a psychologist in her other life. She and others say, based on observation, that I do not have dementia. That the memory lapses that I have had are normal. I am happy to accept their diagnosis. See how happy I am?


  1. We are HAPPY too...!!! Great news.

  2. Since you were so concerned, I do want to repeat my suggestion that you check with the people who know you and see you often. (Don't you live next door to your son-in-law? might start with him.) You can even ask at the VA! They often have psychologists or others who can help you with this concern.
    Meanwhile, short term memory problems are not uncommon as we grow older. And your ability to handle complex material, such as publishing a blog, suggests that you are doing well.

  3. I agree with your readers. We all have memory lapses, just yesterday i could not find the knife I use to peel with. Looked everywhere even went through the trash, found it later sitting on the table where I was working. Don't even remember using it at the table. I it's dementia we all need to get into line.
