Monday, December 17, 2018

Cousinhood (Our 41st President is my 6th cousin?!)

I was going through some of my old genealogy papers yesterday when I came across an old Ancestry print out of my Dad's relationship to George Walker Bush. I had forgotten about this data. Wish that I had thought of it during the funeral week for President George H W Bush. But better late than sorry. The print out was dated October 10, 2007. My wife Jackie had passed away in March, 2007 and I had plunged into genealogy studies the first years after she passed away.

The next two pictures are of the print out. I do not recall how I got the print out. I doubt that I could do it again. I trust for the data. It indicates that the Monson family and the Bush family have a common Grandmother, Elizabeth Scudder who lived from 1622 to 1700. Therefore we are cousins.

I have added to the data my self, my oldest daughter, her oldest son, and his oldest daughter. From the cousin calculator chart I find the following cousinhoods. They are presented after the cousin chart.

I am the 6th cousin of George H W Bush. The senior Bush and I are both in the seventh generation from Elizabeth Scudder. I am a 6th cousin once removed of George W Bush.

My daughter Nancy and all my children are 7th cousins of George W Bush.

Matt Wrock and all my grand children are 7th cousins once removed of George W Bush.

Winter Wrock and all my great grand children are 7th cousins once removed of George W Bush.

Evidentially the Bush family is unaware of our close relationship. If they were we would surely have  been invited to the funeral of George Herbert Walker Bush. They probably have lots of cousins, however.