Tuesday, August 5, 2014

(Widower 28) My last long trip?

Two years ago in 2012 after a visit to England and France I made a trip to Washington State and then back home by way of California. That qualifies as a long trip. In the fall I attended the wedding of Michael Ray and Rhonda Blakley in Panama City, Florida.

I had planned some extras with this West Coast Trip. Stayed a little longer here and there. It was a nice trip. I probably will not do it again. Early in 2013 I made a trip to Shreveport for brain surgery. Brain was bleeding from an injury that I got when I passed out because of a swallowing problem. My trip activity has been quiet since then. I made a short trip to Oklahoma and two trips to Cajun  country.

Three weeks from tomorrow, on Tuesday the 26th I am driving to San Antonio. (Remember the Alamo?) I am going to attend a four day Genealogy Conference in San Antonio.  Plan to return home on Sunday the 31st.

Well, back to my last long trip. My first stop was a return visit to the country of the youth of my Mom and Dad. Stirling, Kansas. I stayed in Stirling for two days. Took some drives in the country around and visited the grave of my adoptive grandfather, Charles Morton Monson in Alden. Stirling is a lovely little town with an old Christian College.

Here is a blog about my visit to Stirling. See Stirling.

From Stirling I drove to Laramie, Wyoming. From Laramie I drove to Jackson Hole. In Jackson I visited with my grand daughter Corrie and friend Chad Graham. See the tram ride they took me on,  See Tram Ride.  Chad gave me a jeep ride up the side of Shadow Mountain. This mountain is close to Jackson and from it you get a startling view of the Tetons.  See Shadow Ride.

The best was yet to come. Corrie was a Pastry Chef at the 4 Seasons Hotel. She took Chad and I to lunch at the Hotel. Hmm hmm good! See Lunch.

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