Saturday, August 16, 2014

John is given a banty rooster.

Big excitement for us chicken watchers. John and the old prune picker. Thursday night John answered an add for a free banty rooster. That evening John added him to the coop after the six hens had bedded down. No problem. The rooster jumped on a roost and settled down. Friday night the rooster was the first to enter the coop. He settled down on the end that the hens usually used. The hens were leery at first but eventually settled in the other end.

The banty rooster is a colorful character. Crows real good. He seems to have settled right into his new home.

The last picture was obtained from google. It was in an article about the Golden-Laced-Sebright-Rooster. Some beautiful bird. There is no doubt that John is the proud owner of a Sebright Banty Rooster.

This rooster was developed by Sir John Sebright in 1810. The rooster is an exciting addition to John's flock.

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