Friday, September 28, 2018

The old PrunePicker changed his phone number.

I hated to do it. It is going to cause a lot of trouble. But a while ago I had an encounter with a scammer. Since then I have changed my passwords. But I still get phone calls from crooks, scammers, and hackers. I block the numbers but they still keep calling. It gives me the creeps to know that the crook is still out there with my phone number. I am afraid that he has told all of his fellow crooks that I am a possible mark and to give me a call.

I get several hacker calls a week, sometimes two in one day. It is very unnerving and inconvenient. My new number is unlisted and unpublished. I hope that the crooks do not get it. If you wish to contact me or wish to have my new phone number please contact me through the Facebook message service or by email (

The change of my phone number may not help but I thought that it was worth a try. I am sorry for any bother this might cause you.


  1. I was online looking into health insurance coverage options. I had to enter my phone number to get quotes. The very next day I received 76 phone calls from either Indian accented folks, or friendly recorded voices. They all wanted to get me to buy their insurance.
    Finally I got a free app on my phone to screen out these calls (robo-calls).
