Saturday, September 22, 2018

Esophagus stretch. 20 plus hours of pain spasms!

I had a medical procedure yesterday morning (9.21.2018) to have my esophagus stretched. This is the seventh time since 2002 that I have had this procedure done to help me swallow.

About two hours after the procedure I started having pain from my esophagus. They were spasmodic and lasted one four of five minutes. The pain was bad, up to a 8 or 9. I yelled, swore, and prayed. I called the clinic. They inferred my stretch job had been substantial and my esophagus may have been damaged and recommended that I go to the emergency room and get an Xray.

Wonderfull John drove me to the hospital. I had an Xray, EKG, and a cat scan. I was laying there thinking about surgery to repair a torn esophagus. Bad vision!

I also had hope that the doctor would give me some pills and tell me to go home and take them. THAT IS WHAT HAPPENED1 The pills were an anti spasm pill. I am glad that I had the tests. We now know that there is nothing torn or bleeding.

This morning I am still having pain spasms. However they are 30 plus minutes apart and usually only one or two on the pain scale, One or two times the pain has reached 3 or 4.

It has been 22 hours since the procedure. The pain spasms have decreased dramatically. I slept for five hours straight last night, I have not done that for years. John and I got in bed late.

I lost one pound yesterday. That is a hard way to lose weight.


  1. You had us worried! So glad you are better.

  2. Wow, that sounds like a miserable thing to experience. So glad you are doing better.
