Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Four men from Dubach.

This is a human interest story (at least it is interesting to me) about four men who were raised in Dubach, Louisiana. They went through school together and played on the Dubach HS baseball team. The Dubach HS is no more but some sixty plus years later the men attend the Unionville Store Saturday morning breakfast and still talk to each other. I feel fortunate to join them at that breakfast. It is a kick to see how close they still are after that many years. They are good men and are a pleasure to be with. Here is a pictures of them taken last Saturday, From the left they are Richard Jones, James Fuller, John Jeffcoat, and Nicky Davis.

Here are close ups.

These men must have bonded playing on the Dubach baseball team. (State Champs for 1961!)

The men were all outstanding baseball players. But one was named the Most Valuable Player of the Year. That honor went to the Ace Pitcher, John Jeffcoat. (18 wins, 0 losses) John is so proud of that feat that he catties his scrapbook at all times. (In case I want a picture.)

Nicky Davis was the catcher. Never missed a catch.

Here are some clippings. John said that his mother did the book. He claims that the book did not mean a thing to him at the time, but would not take a million for it now.

Two Fs please. John Jeffcoat. The scrapbook is full of items like the above. Victory after victory!

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