Sunday, July 23, 2017

Thomas Munson Foundation.

Hey! I have been telling you all along that I was going to Louisville for a Munson family reunion. It turns out that I was going to a bi-annual membership meeting of the Thomas Munson Foundation. I am a life member with a vote. It is good that I attended because a quorum for a legal meeting is 25 and I was number 25. They usually have more at the meeting but this is the first time they had a meeting in the mid central US. It is a nation wide organization with large representation on both coasts.

However, it really was a family reunion. All members must be a direct descendent from Captain Thomas Munson. We are all cousins! The Captain was a Puritan citizen of New England. He earned the office of Captain from serving in the militia. Like most able bodied men of that time he served in the militia all his adult life. The Munson/Monsons are nice cousins and I enjoyed being with them. I only have a couple of pictures from facebook but I will post more when I get home.

Here is a pic of my banquet table. Picture of my prime rib will be in a later blog.

Here is a group pic that I am barely in. I am almost behind the flag. Always hiding behind the flag. I attached a blow up of my part of the pic.

I would not want you to miss seeing a pic of the old prunepicker.

I had a good time and got in some enjoyable sight seeing. I was glad to get some faces to go with names I see in the newsletter. I am looking forward to the next meeting two years from now.

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