Tuesday, July 25, 2017

I drove home in 15 hours!

Yesterday I drove from Louisville, Kentucky to my home in Ruston, Louisiana. It was 800 miles and took me 15 hours. From 4 in the morning to 7 in the evening. It did not seem any harder then when I was doing such things in the oilfields and in recent years after my darling wife, Jackie, passed away. But several years ago I had a slight stroke caused by blow induced brain bleeding. I had the idea that I could not drive long distances any more. Om my trip up to Louisville last week I broke the trip into two days. I stayed overnight in Mountain View, Arkansas. The first day was five hours. But due to slow driving in the mountains of north Arkansas the second day was a 12 hour drive. The 12 hours did not seem so much of a strain so I thought I could drive the 800 miles home in one day. I was right.  At 92 years old that is good.

I am planning a trip to Washington, DC next year and was planning to fly. I might drive.

I stop a lot to pee and gas up. On one of my stops driving to Louisville I left my $40 Hurrycane. I ordered a new one and it was at the house when I got home last night. I changed from LSU purple to Louisiana Tech blue. I feel better and more patriotic now.

Here is a pic from one of my rest stops. It made my think about Jackie's Choctaw ancestors.

I found an aid to staying awake on a long drive. I turned on the Doctor channel on Sirius Radio. For two hours I listened to three lady doctors answer and discuss questions about sex. It was fascinating and brought back memories. Then an hour on dementia and alzheimers. Then broken bones. I was exposed in a big way to broken bones. My eldest son Chris had a terrible motorcycle accident at a young age. He had broken bones in both arms and both legs. He went through many casts and years of problems.

A fifteen hour drive gives you a lot of time for memories.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. That's a loooong time behind the wheel. You deserve a Gold Medal.
