Thursday, March 31, 2016

My son Christopher David Monson would have turned 68 tomorrow.

Sadly Chris passed away five years ago (age 63) after a terrible accident.

Chris had a full and eventful life. A life with much pain. At an early age in a motorcycle accident he broke bones in both arms and both legs and suffered a brain concussion. He fought the effects of this accident all of his life. The head injury caused Chris to have seizures.

Chris managed to have a career as an effective para medical. Late in life he had a conservative blog. His opinions on life and politics were highly regarded. He had many friends in the blogging world. Messages from these friends after he passed away were very moving and a blessing to Chris's family.

Chris was a sweet guy and very intelligent. I loved and admired him. I miss him.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

8 after 5 Mercy Rule.

Went to the Techster softball game last night. I learned a new rule. If after five innings one team is eight points ahead the game is over. So I only got to see four and aa half innings of softball game. Our opponent Alcorn University, after the top of the fifth was behind 12 to 0, so the game was over. Quick game. Got home early.

The Air Force ROTC conducted the presentation of the Flag. The first pitch was by the ROTC Commander.

Train going by!

My view. I could hear the taunting calls of the first baseperson.

The proud one finger salute.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Robert Rinehart's 23 year old cat.

I heard about this cat from Robert's grand daughter Rebecca. The cat was with Robert for all of the 23 years. The cat was with Robert for 25 % of Robert's life. The cat (named "Cat" by Robert) still lives in Robert's barn. He is fed every afternoon by Rebecca. I thought that Cat was worthy of a Prunepicker blog.

Cat is a pretty cat. He does not look his age. The latest recommended cat age calculation says that 23 cat years is equivalent in human years to 108. Every year from now on is equivalent to 4 human years. Next year he will be 112. I plan to visit him. It will be like visiting Robert.

Look at those big feet.  And the pretty long hair. The hair was all snarled but has been unsnarled by Rebecca. This unsnarling operation was only possible while "Cat" was eating! We are pretty sure that "Cat" is a Manx. The main line of the Manx cat is short haired. Technically "Cat" is a long haired Manx.

Below is a photo of the standard Manx. The breed comes in all colors.


Monday, March 21, 2016

Red and Orange are 9 days old. Eyes open!

Even in a litter of two there is a runt. Orange is smaller than Red and also is more docile. I did not realize it but kittens do not walk for a couple of weeks. Just sleep and eat.

Some family pictures. Notice they are still next to the vacuum cleaner.

Patches, the Mom, is so homely she is cute. She takes breaks from nursing her babies to sit on my lap. Having kittens in the trailer has made her much more tame.

In a few weeks the kittens will have to move out. Better get your order in. There are only two. Tamed by Patches and the old Prunepicker.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

The Dukes of Dixieland played at the Dixie!

It was an exciting Friday evening in the Ruston Theatre District last night. Fifteen minutes from home the world famous Dukes of Dixieland were playing in the world famous Dixie Theatre. I had to go. It was a great show of New Orleans music. The Dukes are an American iconic jewel and the Dixie is a North Louisiana iconic jewel. What a winning combination.

In at 7:00 pm Daytime.

Out at 9:00 pm. After dark.

Friday, March 18, 2016

Donald Sinta Quartet.

Last night at the Howard Auditorium the Donald Sinta Quartet gave a two hour program of saxophone music. They are Doctors or almost Doctors of the Saxophone. Very good world class musicians.

These men were educated at the University of Michigan. I enjoyed the program and I know that I picked up much culture

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Unique softball game. Techsters 8 LSU 30!

My heart went out to the Techsters. What terrible experience for them. It was bad for me. They stopped the game after six innings. Those six innings took 3 hours and 45 minutes. From 5 to 8:45. I could not leave. I would have been a traitor.

I was an hour early for the game. The parking lot and stands were full. Had to walk a couple of blocks. It was the biggest crowd they have had for a softball game. Almost 2000.

At the end of four innings the score was 12 to 5 against us. I have a picture of the scoreboard. Then in the top of the sixth they scored 15 runs! They scored ten runs before their first out. Final score was 30 to 8. I could not get a picture of the scoreboard, as they turned the board off seconds after the game ended. I do not blame them.

The Techsters have been doing great, They played five games in a recent tournament. I went to all five games. They won all five games.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Red and Orange.

I have found out that the pink kitty is really orange. I have named then Red and Orange.

They are three days old today. I plan to handle and pet them everyday. I hope this will make them very tame, lovable, and easy to give away.

Monday, March 14, 2016

Judge Elvis Stout gave a talk on the Chennault Museum.

It was at yesterdays meeting of the Northeast Louisiana Genealogical and Historical Society. Judge Stout is the Chairman of the Chennault Museum. He gave a talk on the history of the Museum and some plans for future expansion.

Judge Stout is holding an artist rendering of a proposed new building next to the site of the present Museum.

The Judge gave an excellent lecture and a plea for support of the Chennault Aviation and Military Museum. I enjoyed the lecture very much.

Here are links to previous prune picker blogs about the Museum. Lecture by Nell Calloway. and My visit to the Museum.

Saturday, March 12, 2016

New born kittens in my closet! (3-12-2016)

Took me a while to find them.

Yesterday Patches spent the day on my lap. I would put her in a box I had stuffed with rags and hold her there for a bit. Trying to talk her into having her kittens there. No luck. In the morning I left at 5 am. Thought Patches was out, so I pulled the door to, I have been leaving the door almost ajar so she could go in out as she pleased.

When I came home at 10 am she was no where to be seen. (She has been coming to me whenever I come home.) I assumed that she had gone under the deck and had her kittens. I went in the trailer and she was there! And her body looked like she had given birth. (She was still large like she had more kittens) She gave me some lap time and went into the bedroom. I looked for her. She was not there? I looked every where. Then I thought about the closest.

 There she was with two kittens. She had figured out how to open the door and use the closet for a nursery.

There they are. One red and one pink. 12 hours old. There will be many more pictures and blogs about them. Gee, I will have to name them

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Martin Dube. Impressionist.

An entertainment at the Parish Library last night featured Martin Dube, an Impressionist from Montreal. Boy was he good! and very entertaining. He did a singing impression of dozens of singers.

Here he is doing Louie Armstrong and Pavarotti.

It was quite a show.

This probably could qualify as more culture for the old Prunepicker.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Patches resting.

My expectant kitty resting on the corner of my bed.

Should have four babies nursing. Way over due. Eating me out of house and home!

Monday, March 7, 2016

On an island in the Koi Pond.

A big bull frog has moved in. He likes the little island in the center of the Koi Pond.

How did he get here?