Friday, July 11, 2014

(Widower 8) 2010 Start my Third Grand Farewell Tour of the West Coast.

I started my blog in 2010. My blog will be a big help in jogging my memory about my Widower years. Some items I will be able to give you a link to a blog that covers the item.

I drove about 700 miles to Salina, Kansas the first day. When I drove through Wichita and saw the road to Stirling I felt sad that I was not going there and seeing the place where my Mom and Dad grew up again. I promised myself that I would go and spend a longer visit in Stirling. I did in 2012. Here it is 2014 and I am ready to go again.

I went on to Jackson Hole. I had a nice visit with my grand daughter Corrie Faith Wright and Chadwick Graham. Chad took me on a great ride up on Shadow Mountain. It was a little way out of Jackson with a great view of the Tetons. See my blog post here. Here is a blog with scenes around Jackson. Click scenes around Jackson.

Then I drove north across Idaho and Montana to the eastern entrance to the Glacier National Park. I had heard many Rving stories about the "The Highway to the Sun" and wanted to drive it. The road runs east/west across the park through real beautiful country. The ride was worth the trouble. I have four blogs with pictures that you might want to look at.
Road to the Sun 1
Road to the Sun 2
Road to the Sun 3
Road to the Sun 4
There are some pretty pictures. Looking at them may talk you into a trip to Glacier Park.

After Glacier Park I drove to Sammamish to visit the Matt Wrock family. Matt is my oldest grandson. I was sorry to hear that they are moving to Woodenville because I love to say Sammamish! Woodenville is not near as much fun to say as Sammamish. You should see the street signs. Sammamish everywhere. Here is a picture of the Wrocks walking on a bike trail.

From Sammamish I took the ferry over to Port Townsend. I settled in for a visit of a month at the Evergreen Coho Resort. My good friend Irene Greening loaned me her small motor home. It was set up on one of the sites in the rental pool.

One of my fun affairs was watching the Indians arrive at Fort Warden in their long boats. They get together and take a long communal boat ride every year. See my blog at Indian Canoes at Fort Warden.

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