Monday, July 21, 2014

(Widower 16) Side trip to Philadelphia and Valley Forge.

I added a trip to Philadelphia and Valley Forge and the Flight 93 Crash Site Memorial. I have mentioned that I am a tourist with a passion for cemeteries, haven't I?

I had a terrible time driving into the Independence Hall area of Philadelphia. Got lost once or twice. Escorted tours have a lot going for them. But I got there. Here is a picture of the Liberty Bell.

I took the picture through the window. The line was too long to get inside. I really enjoyed the Benjamin Franklin grave. A lovely cemetery. See my blog on it.  Franklin Grave,

I also enjoyed a tour of nearby Valley Forge. See blog. Valley Forge. I stayed in a motel close to the King of Prussia Mall. I ducked into the mall for a snack. Jackie would have loved the mall. See blog. King of Prussia Mall.

I drove to the Flight 93 Memorial in Shanksville, PA. See blog.  Flight 93 Memorial.

Then on to Kentucky. Where four great grandfathers are buried, and a natural grandfather. (An adopted grandfather is buried near Stirling Kansas. The  two grandfathers are brothers.) I drove with baited breathe anxious to get to the five cemeteries and gravesites. Almost all were in North central Kentucky.

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