Friday, July 18, 2014

(Widower 13) 2012 Trip East. Cemetery Tour.

I had to take the ashes of my son Christopher David to Arlington National Cemetery. His ashes were to be placed in my cemetery plot alongside the ashes of my wife Jackie. I had gone through a lot of meticulous paperwork to obtain permission for Chris's ashes to be placed with the ashes of Jackie and I. Each of my other children had to sign a notarized statement that this was approved by them. Also Chris had to have been single with no children. I was so pleased when the Commander of Arlington sent his approval. I set up an appointment for the ceremony at the gravesite on a day in September. Then I worked up a schedule for the trip.

This was my tentative plan. I would drive to Springfield, Illinois and attend a genealogical conference. (Federation of Genealogical Societies) Then to Arlington. Then to New Haven, Connecticut to start a search for the graves of my great grandfathers (I had challenged myself to get a picture of each grave). That would entail 3 graves in Connecticut, 1 grave in New Jersey, and 5 graves in Kentucky. You can see why I have given to this trip the title "Cemetery Tour". So, if you have a warm spot in your heart, like me, for cemeteries, come with me.

I drove to Springfield, Illinois. Registered at the FGS Conference. Attended some lectures. Slipped out to the first gravesite of my Cemetery Tour. See Lincoln Tomb. I attended a lot of lectures, all on genealogy and related subjects. I walked to the Lincoln Museum. I walked to a lot of places. Here is a blog on a day when I took 9500 steps.

On my way from Springfield to Washington, DC I stopped over night in Zanesville. Ohio. On my way out of Zanesville I came upon the Zane Grey Museum. It was not to open for quite a while. I was way to early to go in the Museum, Darn! See Zane Grey.

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