Sunday, April 6, 2014

(Wireline 15) Frog legs on a slough in the Sacramento Valley.

I took my family on another logging job. It was in the Sacramento Valley north of Maryville. We drove a few hours and pulled up to the well. Imagine my chagrin when I determined that the rig had not spudded in yet (had not started to drill the well). Boy, that is the earliest that I ever got to a well. The well was scheduled to be logged at 500 feet which would just take a few hours and the pusher did not want to wait for us.

So here I was with my wife Jackie and two little children out in the middle of the Sacramento sloughs and wetlands. We were going to be all night and longer. No TV or playground. What to do? Why go frog fishing and cook up a stew. The pusher had all the gear. We proceeded to catch a lot of frogs.  Later (I remember after midnight) my family and I were sitting around a fire, with my crew, and the rig crew. A pot of frog leg stew was cooking. I do not remember that the stew was delicious. I do not recall the reaction of Jackie, Nancy, and Chris. They probably liked the fire.

We finally got the hole drilled and logged and headed home. I have always remembered that night on the slough.


  1. I don't remember that. I wish I did because it sounds like fun.

    1. You were there. You were probably not impressed with the frog legs.

  2. Actually, I cooked and ate frog legs some years later on a Rangers and Christian Commandos summer expedition. They taste like chicken. :-)

    1. I remember being so impressed with the Christian Commandos.
