Saturday, April 5, 2014

(Wireline 14) The loneliest road in America.

Did you know that America has a loneliest road? It does and it is Highway 50 in Nevada.

Highway 50 goes clear across the middle of the State of Nevada. One 500 mile stretch has only three little towns. It crosses 17 named mountain ranges. You cross a mountain range and this is what you see. Basin and range country.

You drive across the valley and the distant mountain range and then you see the same view. Time after time, after time. I drove this road many times between Sacramento and Ely, Nevada.

Can you believe that this idiot ran out of gas on the loneliest road in America? Well I did!. There was snow along the road when I got out of my car to hitch hike some hundred miles to get gas. I waited an hour before the first car came by-----and he did not stop. The second car that came by did give me a ride. I got a can of gas and hitched a ride back to my car. I had a several hour delay getting to my logging job in Railroad Valley.

My advise. Do not run out of gas on the loneliest road in America.


  1. It's my recollection that you have run out of gas in a myriad of locations.

    1. You are right, but I stopped doing that 35 tears ago.

  2. Enjoy reading your blog, you have had some interesting experiences. A terrible place to run out of gas, at least you were fortunate enough that someone was kind enough to stop. You were privileged to live thru times when our country was still great as well as good. The two are of course related. Wayne

    1. Thanks for you comments. That was before cell phones. I doubt that there is a cellphone signal on much of Highway 50 even today
