Monday, December 16, 2013

The Kay Kyser Show in the hills of Okinawa.

One night in 1945, very near to or after VJ Day I attended an Armed Forces Special Services Show featuring Kay Kyser and his orchestra on a hill side on the island of Okinawa. I think that it must have been after VJ Day. There were thousands of soldiers on the hill sitting shoulder to shoulder. Kay asked us to have a match or a cigarette lighter ready. Then Kay had all the lights turned off and then had us all light up. I will never forget what those thousands of lights looked like. A hill side covered with lights.

Kay had a long running radio show that I liked very much and listened to before the war. It was called Kay Kyser and his Kollege of Musical Knowledge. Kay wrote and recorded the song "Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition" He was one of the first bands to entertain the military.

Kay always had a group of performers or stars in his orchestra and on his radio show. Such as Ish Kabibble, Harry Babbitt, Ginny Simms and others.

Harry Babbitt and Kay Keyser.

Ish Kabibble on the left. I can still sing one of Ish's hit records. "Three Little Fishes".

The prunepicker leaves his home to go take a shower before the Kay Kyser show. Notice the rock lined walkway at the entrance.


  1. I can remember you singing Three Little Fishies when I was little. You sang a lot of funny songs. Remember Barney Google?

  2. How about I've Got a Lovely Bunch of Cocoanuts.

    1. Great song. Freddy Martin Orchestra and Merv Griffin.

  3. I enjoyed reading your experience at Kay Kyser's show in Okinawa. My dad served in the Pacific in WWII with the 485th AAA and he also attended this show on Aug. 24, 1945. He was five guys back in the center in front of the stage, having arrived 3 hours before the show started to get such a good seat. Dad wrote about a thousand letters during his three years of duty, all of which were saved. From those and his recollections, I am writing a book, mainly to save his experiences for my family.
    I was wondering if you own the third photo from the top and if so, if you would grant me permission to use it in my book. I would, of course, give you credit if it is your photo. Thank you for writing your story and for your time in considering my request. Wishing you the best!
    Cynthia Reimer

  4. Thanks for your comment. I do not own the photo. Got it from the web.. Your Dad and I were together for a short time. Good luck to you. Chuck Monson
