Tuesday, December 17, 2013

The ducks have moved!

About three months ago three Mallards, one male and two females, moved into the
Adams's Koi Pond. We were so excited and enjoyed having them. I took many pictures. The pond is only about 20 feet square and is located between the deck and the gazebo. They tolerated the dog and the grandchildren.

And then about three weeks ago there was a visit from a more rambunctious dog. The ducks moved out.

There is a pond next door, about 200 feet square. They moved there. It is about a 150 foot walk through the woods to visit them. I do not think they are going to move back. If I was a duck I think that I would prefer the bigger pond. The Adams's pond water has cleaned up and you can now see the Koi. The Adams's Duck Pond has turned back into a Koi Pond.

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