Monday, September 16, 2013

The old prunepicker. A broom tycoon!

                                                                                                                                                                   I made a killing in the broom business in the late thirties. I lived across the alley from the Pomona Broom Factory. The factory was in a ten by twenty building. The staff consisted of Ward Batsford, owner and broom maker. I spent many hours watching Ward clean seeds out of broom corn and building brooms. I believe that he stocked many stores in the area.

I still have a picture of Ward in my mind and remember what a nice guy he was. I have no idea if he was married or not. I do not believe that he had any children.

One time I carried a load of brooms house to house to sell. I walked up to Claremont. Claremont is the home of Pomona College. Lots of well to do people. It is a five mile walk. (each way) I sold 7 or 8 brooms. I remember that the cheapest was 35 cents. My commission was high. I was rich!

I can picture a 8 or 9 year old kid with a load of brooms walking five miles in the sun to sell door to door. I can not believe that I did it, but I did.

In my googling I discovered a picture of a young Ward Batsford picking oranges. He is the young man on top of the ladder on the left.

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