prune picker

This is the blog of a prune picker. (Native born Californian) Retired oilfield. I am an old man. I blog a lot about my body and getting old. As I approach death life gets more interesting. More interesting is not good. I still drive. I attend sports, music, and civic events. I am writing my memoirs. I attend swim class three times a week. Some of my blogs might be interesting. A lot of my blogs are silly and trivial. None are very long.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Mike Monson, Author.

My son Mike likes to write. He is driven to write. He writes good. Lately he has been writing short stories. Several have been published in internet books. Recently he had one published in a paper book. The stories in the book are short and a little grimy. The title of the book "Out Of The Gutter" gives you an inkling of what the stories are about. Mike is writing tough crime stories. Like I said, he writes good.

There is the name of the author, Mike Monson. He is also working on a novel. I admire and am proud of Mike's ambition and ability. It would be wonderful if his novel was published. I would be so pleased and proud.

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