Thursday, August 9, 2012

Old Walking Buddies Reunited!

These three Dudes are Chuck Monson, Bill Friel, and Jim Spaulding. They used to walk from the Evergreen Coho Resort in Chimacum, Washington early in the morning. They walked, and visited, and kidded each other for ten or more years. They had a real good time and got some exercise, as well as settling some of the world's problems. The above picture was taken when the trio was at the top of their game.

Unfortunately, for various reasons, they had to stop walking together about eight years ago. On this trip the Old Prunepicker is going to walk with each of them. Jim in Eureka, California and Bill in Las Cruces, NewMexico.

On Tuesday, August 7, Jim and the Old Prunepicker went for a walk in Eureka before the I tricked Jim into buying dinner. We had a nice walk of at least a quarter mile. That is Jim's home in the background. Jim lives with his daughter and her husband. He has a very nice three room section of the house with his own kitchen and bathroom. He also has a comfortable recliner. He has a motorized scooter for getting out and about. As usual Jim was a very happy sweet guy to visit with. He gave me some cookies for the road.

Jim seems to just fit that recliner! Now it is on to Las Cruces and Bill Friel.

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