Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Mont St Michel.

Nancy and I will be staying in Bayeux, Normandy the last days of May. We plan to visit Mont St Michel. Over the centuries this place has been in the top four places of Christian pilgrimage. The English never did capture it during the Hundred Years War. It used to be in Brittany. Then the river changed to the other side of the monastery. Now it is in Normandy. Barely.

You have to walk several football fields to get to the island and then climb up a hill to the monastery. That is one of the reasons I am on endurance training.

Mont St Michel must be one of the most photographed spots on earth. Wait til I get there.


  1. Sorry to disappoint you, Daddy but we will most likely drive over the causeway and park in a lot at the base of the mont. You will love this place...it has a lovely cemetery.

  2. I went last September. It is amazing. Keep up your endurance training because the stairs are a hard workout!


