Thursday, February 11, 2021

Will I die before I go blind? OR Will I go blind before I die?

Last August the oncologist told me that I had less than a year to live. These two questions have been bugging me ever since. Never thought of them before last year. Then things started to happen.I will discuss the die question and then the blind. The blind has just recently came on strong.  I hope the oncologist is wrong. After my radiation treatments my breathlessness improved for a while and then started to decline. My lung cancer shrunk and then the month later it started to grow. Last week it really got real bad. I asked John to hook me up to oxygen. It really helped. Seemed like the cancer shrunk a little.  There was a little improvement but on a base so bad that I am still bad off and getting worse.

Now for going blind. I am doing that. I pull out a mag glass with my iPhone. Can not read most box labels from my wheel chair. I will not be able to do my income taxes. Hope the4 government can make it.

On top of die or blind my esophagus is closing down. Takes five minutes to get a dime size bite down

There are thoughts of getting me into an extended care home. Very tentative. I am not that helpless yet;

Good news! Yesterday t got my first Coved shot. Safe at last.

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