Tuesday, October 20, 2020

1953 trip to Yosemite.

Jackie and I and our two children (Nancy was 6 and Chris was 4) took a trip to Yosemite in 1953.  Nancy can still remember the napkin on the waiter's arm at the Ahwahnee Hotel dining room.

We ate at the best table in the room. (It was quiet at the time) Under the window at the other end. We had a perfect view of the Yosemite Falls. This spot was way over my pay scale. I  received the lunch due to some foul up over our reservation. 

That night was more like our speed. Our motel room was a tent with a wooden floor. A local young man of the Awahnechee Tribe was our bell hop.

We had our own wooden stove. We each had a cot.

This is the view you see when you first enter the valley. through the entrance tunnel. It is followed by some other views of the Yosemite Park.

The last photo is of the firefall. Everyone on the Valley floor would yell "let the fire fall!" Up on Glacier Point people would push the coals from a very large fire over the edge. Everyone would  cheer. It was quite a sight. They have stopped this practice due to global warming.


  1. That story occurred before I was born! (Barely)
    Thanks for another trip down Memory Lane.

  2. An old post of yours came up when I did a search for Admiral Byrd’s dogs. My dad would have been 100 on October 28th. So I did a compilation of photos for our family. I came across a photo of my dad in Unalaska at age 19 with one of Admiral Byrd’s huskies. My dad’s dad was a Coast Guard Admiral and did a lot of work in Alaska. He always brought my dad along since age 9! Anyway, I would like to send you the picture if I can get your gmail address. Thanks! MaryBeth

  3. Just checking in. How are you feeling, Mr Prune Picker?
