Monday, March 2, 2020

Edwin John Knowlton Family Bible.

This Bible has bee in the custody of my sister Donna. It is now in the custody of her daughter Danna Sue. Donna Sue loaned it to me for several months. The Bible is a valuable genealogical resource. I was thrilled to see it. E J Knowlton is my maternal grandfather. He died a year before I was born. He was born in Kalamazoo, Michigan. He spent his mature years in Kansas, where he was a very successful farmer. He died in 1924 in Oakland, California.

The Bible has pages of listengs of Marriages, Deaths, and Births. This blog is an attempt to make this data available to future genealogists with out having the Bible. Even me. The pages are very faint (the Bible is 150 years old). I could not darken the print with a scanner but found that if you zoomed in that you could read it.

The flyleaf of the Bible has the following inscription.

A Christmas gift for 1870 to Edwin J Knowlton from his Mother Amanda L Palmer. Take this Book as your guide and all will be right.

Here is a wonderful photo of E J Knowlton and his family. Taken in Stirling, Kansas around 1905. The girl on the left is my Mother Olive Knowlton. The sailor suit indicates a well to do family. This family moved to California. I see six uncles and an aunt. They were nice folks. I enjoyed them. The Aunt gave me a ferry boat ride across San Francisco Bay before there were any bridges. Quick quiz. What year was that?

Following is photos of the data pages. Zooming in will make most of the data readable.

The Bible also had a photo album. The first photo is from my Grandfather's first marriage. They had one child (the tallest buy in the family picture). She died in a few years. He then married Ermina Delphine Haight, my grandmother.

I do not know these two ladies, but their photos were in the Bible.

Good luck on reading and using this data. If you can not use the Bible, this is the next best thing.