Saturday, January 11, 2020

From Lompoc, CA to Ruston, LA.

In 1943, for a short time Tommy Ledford and I were stationed at Camp Cooke, near Lompoc, CA. Tommy was a Sargent in the Signal Corp getting ready to ship overseas. I was a Private getting basic training to be in the Combat Engineers.

77 years later Tommy and I were at his 99th Birthday party in Ruston, LA. We did not know or see each other in Camp Cooke but over the last 13 years we have became good friends. I have been to many of Tommy's birthday parties. I am looking foreword to his 100th!

It is 1840 miles from Lompoc to Ruston. Tommy and I have traveled many miles, more than that, in the journey. Happy future travels, Tommy.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

I delivered a momma deer and a baby deer!

The deer were crafted by my son in law John Morgan Adams. He has made lots of deer, snowmen, pumpkins, and other items in his woodshed this winter. He has given a lot of love and good cheer. I made a delivery for him yesterday to Rosa Blakley, her daughter Rhonda, and her husband Michael Ray.

Had lunch with these folks. We had a nice visit. Rosa is doing as well as can be expected with advanced Alzheimer. God bless her and her family.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

OK. Back on the diet!

On my diet I recently lost fifty pounds (in about a year and a half). I feel that my ideal weight is 197 pounds. In the middle of October I reached a weight of 200 pounds. And then I relaxed my diet. Boy! did I ever relax. This morning I weighed 219 pounds. Yoyo. Down 50 pounds in a year and a half, up 19 pounds in 2 1/2 months. At that rate I will have the fifty pounds back on in four months.

So it is back on the diet. I want to be in shape and full of stamina for my August train ride from Seattle to San Juan Capistrano.

Here is my weight numbers for last month. (Happy New Year to you all!) I am watching the Rose Bowl Parade while doing this blog.