Thursday, November 28, 2019

Over the river and through the woods...

Over the river and through the woods to grand daughter's house the old PrunePicker goes. That reminds me of a poem. Here are the woods.

Here is the PrunePickers grand daughter Joy.

One of my fondest memories is my holding Joy (as an invalid) in my arms on a ferry boat ride across the Rhine River in Germany. She has been in her new house in West Monroe less than a week and she invites me to Thanksgiving Day dinner! Here is the house.

What a wonderful meal!

Some of the prep work.

The meal was enjoyed by David, Christian, Ethan, Papa Chuck (PrunePicker), and Ross. Pic by Joy.

The meal was relaxing.

What a lovely Thanksgiving Day! Thank you Newberrys.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Mark is two weeks into his trip from the Pacific to the Atlantic..

Mark is in Gila County, Arizona. Apaches, Geronimo. and Cochise. Him better be alert!

Mark is beyond Hope. He needs our prayers.

Different scenery form the trip to Canada.

What else?

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

The old maple table.

Jackie and I bought this maple dinning room table, eight chairs, and a large hutch in 1965.

Four one foot wide leaves came with the table.

I have many happy memories of the table at full length at many holiday meals surrounded by up to a dozen people. We kept the leaves under our bed. It was exciting to get them out and install them. (There were usually some in the table) The six in our family would be joined by relatives (sister Donna in particular), and neighbors (Carl and Becky in particular). And friends of our children. Many people ate with us at the table over the years In later years Jackie and I (as guests) ate at the table.

The table has given yeoman service for the last 49 years. Three families (Jackie and I, daughter Kerry, her daughter Joy) put the table to good use. Now it is headed for other pastures. Joy has to sell the table because she is moving into a smaller house and does not have room for it.

It has been and is a traumatic experience for me seeing this furniture move on. I wish the the new owners well and another 49 years.

Good looking table huh? It came with a tough plastic coating which has served its purpose well.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Bone Broth

I wen to the Ruston Farmers Market today, After a delicious Mexican omelet at a picnic table in the morning son I attended a  lecture on Bone Broth.

Bone Broth tastes good and is good for you, The lecture was given by Daniel Smith of Smith Farms. He gave out samples. Good.

Bones and vegetables are cooked for 48 or more hours. It is not fast food!

While at the Market I enjoyed music by Ricky Pittman. The Ruston Farmers Market is fun. Picked up some cookies and popcorn. You know, the staples of life.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Mark is a 100 yards into Arizona. (more now)

These photos by Mark are of country that Jackie and I traveled many times. Pulling a 35 foot fifth wheel trailer. Camped out many times in this country. Hey Mark how did you like Quartzite?
That is the heart of southwest RV land in the winter.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

2019 Veterans Day program in Choudradt.

 A social club in Choudrant hosts a Veterans Day program every year. I have gone several times and it it is great. The name of the club is the Choudrant Restoration and Beatification Society. What a nice group of people. They plan and put on a patriotic program and serve lunch to all veterans who show up. They even mail me an invitation and a lunch ticket every year.

Choudrant is the next town east of Ruston.

Mayor Bill Sanderson, Village of Choudrant.

Friday, November 8, 2019

I love geography.

I love geography.

I love travel.

I love travel photos.

I love the photos that Mark Wright puts on Facebook.

Mark is my third oldest grandchild. He is a retired computer engineer. Starting in May Mark rode his bike up the Pacific Coast trail from Mexico to Canada. Mark posted pictures almost every day I would put a select group into a blog about once a week I really enjoyed it. It was like riding along with him. Many of the places Jackie and I had been to in our RVing days. The pictures brought back many happy memories I was so sad when the trip ended.

Oh happy day Mark is taking a trip from California to Florida I will be back in the picture and nostalgia business

The picture below shows him on his bike ready to leave comfortable Dana point California

The last view of the Pacific Ocean the next ocean will be the Atlantic

It is some 2500 miles between the oceans. I hope the trip will bring him by my home and he will stay with us a few days. This place has many nice tent sites. I might be able to meet him along the road and ride with him a day. Me in my Ford and Mark on his bike.

Monday, November 4, 2019

200 Pounds on October 17. Oops! 211 pounds today!

After 18 months of dieting I was well on the way to my ideal weight of 197 pounds. Victory was in sight! Only three more pounds to lose.

Then I relaxed and started eating again like the old days. In two weeks I gained 11 pounds. At this rate I will be back at my pre diet weight of 250 pounds by Christmas. I have noticed that my blood pressure has increased some 20 or 30 psi.

You can see that I am impulsive. Back to the diet!

October 17