Sunday, September 29, 2019

CeCe Givens had a wonderful 100th Birthday Party.

I am so glad that I shared a small part of her big party. I have been in water class with her for years. Sedonia (CeCe) Givens has a lovely smile. She is a lovely part of my water class life.

The party was held at the Power Light Outreach Ministries. The party area was decorated elegently. Every seat was filled and more tables had to be quickly set up.

Two good friends. Jon Jon and Lacey. Jon Jon is a daughter of Sedonia and Lacey is in charge of water classes at Louisiana Tech.

This is an earlier photo of Sedonia. She has always had that beautiful smile!

A great meal was served.

I wish Sedonia Givens many more birthday parties.


  1. She is beautiful. She said today at the pool that she wants to reach 103. I bet she does and more.
