Sunday, September 29, 2019

CeCe Givens had a wonderful 100th Birthday Party.

I am so glad that I shared a small part of her big party. I have been in water class with her for years. Sedonia (CeCe) Givens has a lovely smile. She is a lovely part of my water class life.

The party was held at the Power Light Outreach Ministries. The party area was decorated elegently. Every seat was filled and more tables had to be quickly set up.

Two good friends. Jon Jon and Lacey. Jon Jon is a daughter of Sedonia and Lacey is in charge of water classes at Louisiana Tech.

This is an earlier photo of Sedonia. She has always had that beautiful smile!

A great meal was served.

I wish Sedonia Givens many more birthday parties.

Friday, September 27, 2019

A Day at the Races.

Lizard and I made our yearly trip to the Horse Races in Bossier City. Lizard is my old friend Richard Wayne Howard. He has three great first names and he is stuck with Lizard. The street that he lives on is named Lizard Lane on the Lincoln Parish map. What came first; the street or my friend?

Here is Lizard at his betting station.

A few of the track outside in case we did not want to go outside and see the race.

A few of tracks all over the country.

 The PrunePicker and the Lizard watching the races.

Beautiful! Naked horses on the beauty walk.

It was a fun day even if we did not win a dime.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Salmon. From junk food to gourmet dinner.

In the middle of the Great Depression I remember going with my Dad to pick up government food for the poor. I was 12 or 13. It was in 1937 or 1938. The building was like a boxcar or big box. It was full of bags of dried peas, beans, etc. The were cans of salmon. The cans were olive drab color. Or government green. I remember eating cold salmon out of the can with soda crackers.

The salmon in my neighborhood at that time was considered junk food. Just up from dog and cat food. It did not taste bad. Especially if you were hungry. (I was)

Last March, 2019 I rode Amtrak from Texas to California. The dining car served gourmet food. I had salmon. About 20 or 30 dollars. The meals were complimentary with my ticket. A photo of my meal is below.

The meal was delicious. The salmon was hot and tasty! Salmon now is considered pretty good food. I liked it out of the can and on the Amtrak train. Better on the train!

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Planes, trains, and bus!

I am planning a trip. I am asked very frequently about my trip plans. I have some people on the West Coast that I want to visit. So I am planning a trip to see them. Wish I could drive my car but do not think I should. So I am going by plane, train, and bus. It is likely to be my last trip to several of the stops I have planned. I am looking forward to the adventure. Hello American Airlines, hello Amtrak, hello Greyhound, hello 5300 mile trip around the West! (21 days)

I have lots of time to plan. It is a year to my departure. I wanted to turn 95 before the trio. (I want to be mature) My 95th birthday is July 20, 2020.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

3 good men running for Sheriff!

Went to a meet the candidates meeting. The three candidates for Sheriff answered questions that were submitted by citizens. The  Ruston Leader should be complimented for an excellent program. Moderated by Nancy Bergeron. A strong attendance of 300 people indicates the interest in this election.

The meeting was held in the Events part of the Parish Library. There is a prize for those who can identify the head back in the lower right front of the photo.

Candidate Randall Hermes.

Candidate George Webb.

Candidate Stephen Williams.

Part of the crowd.

PS I went to the next meeting for Police Jurymen. Another fine meeting moderated by Nancy Bergeron. I think that the Parish is in good hands from the look of the candidates.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Every 94 years I go to the Synagogue.

Last Sunday I attended a meeting at the Temple B'nai Israel in Monroe, Louisiana. Every 94 years I go to the Jewish Church. It was a meeting of the NE Louisiana Historical and Genealogical Society. Fellow Society member Sandra Blate gave an informative and interesting talk on the history of the Church.

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Rosa moves to Arbor Lakes Rehab in Farmerville.

She seems happy. It is a nice place. I have been impressed by the love shown in her care.

Her movement is limited. She seems to be very weak. The picture below shows her in a semi rigid stance which she held for some time. It went away in a time.

Good care.

This picture is after a hair do.

The front of the Arbor Lakes Rehab Hospital.

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Mark's bike ride to Maine called off in Sandpoint, Idaho.

Mark calls a stop due to truck/bike accident. He is human, you know.

Previous Mark photos.

What will I blog about now? I am so proud of Mark. I have bragging rights about grand children going for a bike ride. (Mexico to Washington and then to Idaho)

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Ethan, my #1 great grand son goes to college. LA Tech!

I am so proud of Ethan. He checked into his room at Dudley Hall. A few of his proud relations were there to help him.

Ethan has his own bed in his own corner of the room. A room mate will soon take the other corner. Good luck Ethan. Have a Wonderfull learning and growing time at Louisiana Tech. Have some fun too!