Saturday, July 13, 2019

Mark and barns with Amish Hex Symbols.

In recent days (Northern California) Mark has passed barns with symbols painted on them. He wonders. Bike riders have time to observe and wonder.

I passed some in Kentucky when I was hunting for grandfather graves. Here is one that I saw. It was black so the tobacco would cure faster.

There is a lot to the art and story of the symbols. They are most often used as good luck symbols. The have a connection with Pennsylvania Dutch folk art. Used on quilts also. Here are some examples. There are probably millions! Many with intricate stories.

PS My goodness! Google American Quilt Barn Trail. There is one in Sierra County. Thanks to my reader Daphne.


  1. I work in tourism and know the answer to this one. It's the American Quilt Barn Trail. Google it-- it's quite fascinating!!


  2. Thank you Daphne! What a story of Americana!
