Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Vitals Signs for July 2019. Whoops, I fell off the wagon!

In my vital signs report of last month I stated that my weight was 206 pounds and that my goal for the end of July was 205 pounds. Instead my weight now as indicated by the figures below is 207 pounds! Instead of losing a pound I gained a pound in the month of July.

My goal for the end of August is 205. I have reached 205 several times I in the last two months. Surely I can do it.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Mark has 1700 miles of his 2500 mile bike ride from Mexico to Canada behind him!

Here are some of Mark's recent photos. Mostly Oregon.

The State of Jefferson contains Northern California and Southern Oregon!

Here is a map of his ride across Washington.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

2019 Louisiana Folk Festival.

Rhonda drove her Mom and I. We have been several times. Rhonda is a fan of several of the Cajun dancers.

Looks like a fun group. It is mostly but Rhonda must lead Rosa by the hand. If Rhonda left she would give ne Rosa's hand to hold. So sad. Rosa is failing Darn Alzheimer!

Here is a 30 second video of the festivities. Rhonda and Rosa can be seen.


Monday, July 22, 2019

94th Birthday Trip.

For my 94th birthday (July 20) I took a trip. I visited Branson, Missouri; Nowata (no water?), Oklahoma; and Wichita, Kansas.

Jackie and I RVeed to Branson the first time in 1987. The first of several visits. On my drive to Branson from the South last Wednesday I was lost in nostalgia. It is a beautiful ride up in the hills. There was a 7 percent grade that had a runaway truck escape ramp. A 7 percent grade is nothing to a car but when Jackie and I were pulling a 35 foot trailer it got our attention. I probably will never see the ride again. Jackie and I saw it many happy times!

I had a chicken dinner at the Dolly Parton Stampede. Delicious dinner and a great horse show.

I visited nephew Michael Monson and his wife Tabitha in Nowata, Oklahoma. I really enjoyed the visit and getting acquainted with them. It was a thrill.

These are Scottish Highlander cattle.

I heard that there is no water in Nowata because Stillwater, Oklahoma stole it!

Then on to Wichita, Kansas fo the biennial meeting of the Thomas Munson Foundation. I was told that I am the 14th oldest member of the foundation. They were always using the word monson. I thought  "why are they talking about me". Then I realized that a lot of them were named Munson. Nice meeting. Lots of meals together with a last night banquet.

The Drury Hotel on the Arkansas River,

A walk on the river.

The Keeper of the Plains. A 44 foot steel statue placed where two rivers come together. It has become the symbol of Wichita.

A lovely fountain at the Wichita Museum. They were observing the 147th birthday of Wichita. They served birthday cake and ice cream.

Sunday I left the hotel at 5:30 am and pulled into home at 5:20 pm.  Almost a 12 hour drive.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Mark is heading for Shasta.

Here are some recent pictures by my grandson Mark. He is in Northern California.

Look at the back pack on that bike rider!

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Mark and barns with Amish Hex Symbols.

In recent days (Northern California) Mark has passed barns with symbols painted on them. He wonders. Bike riders have time to observe and wonder.

I passed some in Kentucky when I was hunting for grandfather graves. Here is one that I saw. It was black so the tobacco would cure faster.

There is a lot to the art and story of the symbols. They are most often used as good luck symbols. The have a connection with Pennsylvania Dutch folk art. Used on quilts also. Here are some examples. There are probably millions! Many with intricate stories.

PS My goodness! Google American Quilt Barn Trail. There is one in Sierra County. Thanks to my reader Daphne.

Friday, July 12, 2019

A visit to Michael and Tabitha Monson.

Michael is a grandson of my second oldest brother George. I loved and admired my brother George very much. He was a Marine pilot in the Pacific in WWII and retired with the rank of Captain.

Michael and Tabitha live on a farm NE of Tulsa Oklahoma. I met them for a moment years ago in Van Nuys, California. I have been following them on Facebook for many years. I am looking forward to a visit with them. I will stop by on my trip from Branson, Missouri to Wichita, Kansas next Thursday the 18th. I am excited to visit a farm in Oklahoma. In fact I am very excited about it. When I worked for Superior and Mobil Oil I traveled many miles in Oklahoma going to oil wells.

You may remember that my youngest son (who I visited in Modesto, California recently) is also named Michael Monson. I have always said that you cannot have too many Michael Monsons in your life! Here is a picture of the Oklahoma Michael Monson wrestling sheep on his farm.

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Mark is at Truckee!

He has biked around the West side of Lake Tahoe! He went through Meeks Bay. My family spent several summer weeks at Meeks Bay when we lived in Sacramento.

Mark has passed the 1000 mile mark of his 2500 mile ride from Mexico to Canada!