Saturday, April 13, 2019

I miss my cat.

Her name was Patches. She was named by my grand daughter Katie. She was many colors and very ugly. So ugly that she was cute. She was a wild cat and untamed She bit me and scratched me many times. I carried bandaids in my wallet. About five years ago she came out of the woods and sort of moved in with me. She had three liters (one in my closet) before I had her fixed. I could not get near her outside but inside she would lay on my lap for hours at a time. She lived outside under the trailer at night. In the morning she would come in and I would feed her. And she would often sleep in the trailer all day. She was a lot of company. She was semi-around all the time and made up to Kerry.

John told me Monday that she had not been around for several days before I got home  from my trip to California. A day later he found her body in the woods behind the house. It is a mystery how she was killed.There are foxes and coyotes in this area

As the days go by I really miss her. In five years you can get used to a critter even if they bite you.

I love dogs and cats but I do not want another pet.


  1. Pets are good company, but sometimes they pass suddenly, leaving sadness.

  2. Oh no. The boys will be sad to know.

    1. I get sadder about her passing as time ges by. Seems like any movement might be her.

  3. Sorry for your loss. Pets can be our greatest companion at times and it's never easy when you lose them <3
    There's something about the friendship between a human and an animal that is just one of a kind.
