Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Eleven months (or more) to my ideal weight.

Here is my weight history since I started on my diet in May 2018.

Month           Weight     lbs lost in month     Cum weight loss
May 2018        249         
June                 241         8                                8
July                  234         7                                15
August             229         5                                20
September       225         4                                 24
October           219         6                                 30
November       219         0                                 30
December       216         3                                  33
January 2019  213         3                                  36
February         212        1                                   37
March             211        1                                   38
April               209        2                                   40
May                208        1                                    41

In the first five months on my diet I lost 30 pounds. In the next seven months I lost 11 pounds. Currently I am losing about 1 pound per month. (Last November I had a monthly loss of zero). Someone said that your ideal weight is what you weighed at the age of twenty. For me that is 197 pounds. At the current rate it will take me 11 months to reach my ideal weight of 197. That is ok. I have lots of time. That is close to my 95th birthday on July 20, 2020. To relax the pressure on me I hereby change my goal to be at my ideal weight of 197 by my 95th birthday. I will have two goals. 1) to be at my ideal weight of 197 on my 95th birthday and 2) be alive on my 95th birthday.

Here are my vital statistics for March and April.    I did pretty good considering all that I ate on my trip to California.


  1. You have done VERY well indeed on losing almost 50 lbs in a year. Good grief. What do they say at the VA about your "ideal weight"? I'm kind of skeptical about that 20 yr old weight business...(Seeing as how I weigh about 30 pounds more than I did at 20, I have a vested interest.)

  2. That's quite a compilation of data. I'd worry more about goal #2, and let the pounds fall where they may.
    With your past performance you will likely reach both goals.

  3. I hope you reach both of your goals!! :)

  4. Congratulations! You are doing so good.
