Sunday, February 3, 2019

Sat. Breakfast in a Historic Landmark.

Most every Sat. morning I have breakfast in the old Unionville Store. Walter cools the best eggs, bacon, sausage, gravy, biscuits, and grits this side of the Pecos! There are usually several jams and jellies available. The clientele is the best of the Dubach area. I really enjoy the breakfast. After breakfast we stare at the fire in the old pot belly stove and discuss world affairs and philosophy. No gossip. And if you believe that I will throw in the Golden Gate free.

Here is an action shot. I do not know anyone that can get more heat out of a small pot belly stove than John.

The marker out front and a pic of the Unionville Store.

Group shot.

The stove is to the right. Where the chairs are aimed. The video below is a time lapse video that takes 30 seconds to play but covers an hour of actual time. Fun to watch.

1 comment:

  1. I like that old building. The video was definitely entertaining.!!
