Wednesday, February 20, 2019

197 pounds is my ideal weight.

Why 197? I have been studying methods for determining your ideal weight. It can get very complicated with different formulas and theories. Then my wise old nephew Daryl said he had heard that your ideal weight is what you weighed in the second year of college. This would be about the age of 19 or 20. I was discharged from the Army at 20 1/2.  I dug out my Honrable Discharge and my weightt was 197. Sounds right to me. And a lot simpler than all the BMIs etc.

I have been loosing weight for ten months. From 250 to 210. I will be 210 at the end of this month. This has been my goal. Now that I have reached it I need another goal. 197 sounds good.

1 comment:

  1. I was 248 when I graduated high school, I must've been 260 in my freshman year at Texas A&M. I'm 340 now, so I have a long way to go. Doing intermittent fasting along with Keto diet. Dropped 20# so far.
