Sunday, January 20, 2019

Drink of cold water and passed out!

Got up at 2 AM this morning for my every two hour piss call. Got my bottle out of the frig and took a larger than normal gulp of cold water. I immediately had a strong feeling of passing out and I hunched over the kitchen counter. A few minutes later I woke up on the floor across the trailer. I had passed out and hit the floor with enough force to break the skin on my head. The two pics of my head indicate that I hot solid and then skidded a bit to make the scratch.

These two pics are of where I landed. You can see the blood marks.

It is a strange feeling to come to after fainting. It takes awhile to realize what happened. I have passed out from esophagus spasms several times. The last time was six years ago. The times that I passed out before the last two times I was sitting down and did not hit my head. The fall in January 2013 caused my brain to bleed and in two months I had a stroke. Brain surgery was  required to heal the bleeding.

It would be smart to have my head xrayed. Sure would be!


  1. My first thought is Oh. I hope you are feeling OK now. I hope you will get checked out. My second is for you not to drink such cold water. But I don't know anything about that for sure. I do hope you are OK and that you go for medical eval.

  2. Yes, I would agree on the x-Ray. Maybe hopping out of bed too quickly was the cause of the passing out.?

  3. I always have a drink of cold water when I get up in the night. Usually a normal swallow. This time was a gulp. I am too old to hop out of bed Have had esophagus problems for 20 years. Many stretches. Hope to see Dr soon. Thanks for your concern.

  4. I have had this happen several times. The solution is have urinal next to your bed and a bottle of water. Good luck! Orange californa Cajun.

  5. This is terrifying and I'm glad you've lived to tell the tale! Have you scheduled that doctor's appointment? Please be okay. <3
