Saturday, November 24, 2018

Blogger Burnout!

I started the PrunePicker blog on April 11, 2010. As of today I have posted 3,207 blogs. Did you miss one?  The PrunePicker blog has been viewed 472,576 times. That is a lot, huh?

I used to post to the blog almost every day, Lately I have posted once or twice a week. This is just the third one this month. I just do not have what it takes (burn out?) to keep up the pace. I have thought about stopping the blog. However I do get around 150 to 200 hits a day so I will keep on going. I will cut way back. Maybe one or two blogs per month. On the right of this blog is an option to be notified by email when I post a blog. You might consider doing that. That would save you some time.

Have a great day!


  1. I don't know you, and you don't know me, but I follow your blog because I never had a grandpa. Hope that's not weird. Just want to say thanks.

  2. Thank you so much for your comment. It made my blog seem worth while! I never saw a grandpa either. I am thankful to have spent time with my mom's mom. She lived with us for a while after my mom passed away.

  3. It makes me feel less weird knowing that you had the same experience! I am the youngest of ten children, and three of my grandparents had already died before I was born. The grandma I knew died when I was 15. I was in my 30's when my parents died, so I have always been fascinated by families that have their elders around through the generations and how that all works. I like reading what you do with your time, and how you manage your health (weight loss or not, lol), and how proud you are of your family, and what's important to you in general. So. yes, your blog is worthwhile! I would have loved it had my parents been able to leave something like this behind. :)

  4. Oh, I kind of like looking for you every day or so. Even though you might not have had something to say.....or show. So I'll subscribe anyway. You have been so rewarding I don't think it a waste of time to check and see the latest. And I've been reading you for a long time.

    1. Thank you for your comment. I feel encouraged to keep blogging. I really appreciate you.

  5. I just signed up for email notifications!
