Tuesday, November 27, 2018

A blue enameled bowl full of strawberry slurry.

I remember my mom would fill a blue enameled bowl (which stayed in the family for many years), like the one in the picture, with a mixture of sliced strawberries, cream and milk, and a little sugar. The bowl was big and it was full. This slurry plus shortbread was to be the whole supper for a large family.

I was four. It was ninety years ago. My mom passed away when I was five. There were about a dozen of my family at home at that time. It was a tradition of my mom to occasionally have a strawberry supper. Nothing else to eat, just strawberry shortcake, but all you wanted. I can remember how it tasted. The shortbread was not sweet. It was a big fluffy sourdough biscuit. You placed the shortbread in your bowl and then covered it with the strawberry slurry. It was so good! Everyone was happy with their meal.

I can remember my mom standing over the bowl. This is one of the several memories that I have of my mom. If you have read some of my blogs you may have the impression that I really missed my mom and resented losing her at an early age. That is the right impression!

 I have recently became acquainted with a genealogical presentation called a timeline. The timeline presents a chronological list of all the events in a person's life. The list can include major events with age, where the person was living, etc. I am thinking of doing a timeline for my mom. She led an eventful life in her 41 years! Eight pregnancies and nine children. It would be like spending time with her. Depending on how detailed my study, it could be a lot of work. Getting or reading eight birth certificates could involve a lot of time, effort and expense.

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Blogger Burnout!

I started the PrunePicker blog on April 11, 2010. As of today I have posted 3,207 blogs. Did you miss one?  The PrunePicker blog has been viewed 472,576 times. That is a lot, huh?

I used to post to the blog almost every day, Lately I have posted once or twice a week. This is just the third one this month. I just do not have what it takes (burn out?) to keep up the pace. I have thought about stopping the blog. However I do get around 150 to 200 hits a day so I will keep on going. I will cut way back. Maybe one or two blogs per month. On the right of this blog is an option to be notified by email when I post a blog. You might consider doing that. That would save you some time.

Have a great day!

Saturday, November 10, 2018

My Alzheimer friend came to visit.

Yesterday was so exciting! My maid Rhonda Ray brought her Mom Rosa Lee to visit with me while she vacuumed my old Hitch Hiker RV. This is the first time in a long time that I have seen Rosa out of her home. You could tell that she as excited. I do not understand Rosa too much but we had a great visit,

Their old friend Lizard (from Jefferson Corner days) bought us lunch after Rhonda was done with my RV. Here is a pic of the three. Rosa, Rhonda, and Lizard. We had a great visit.

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Vital Signs for October 2018

No weight loss!!!!  Started around 220 and ended up around 220.  My weight was down to 217 in the middle of the month. I must have relaxed and went back up. Oh well, I will do better in November. I plan to be 215 the end of the month.