Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Randy Roberson crossword puzzle expert and President of the Parish Police Jury.

Several mornings a week I watch Randy do the daily crossword puzzle. After he is finished he gives it to me and I ask him the meanings of some words and, in general, admire his crossword skill. In his spare time he serves on the Lincoln Parish Police Jury and is currently the President of the Jury.

I attended a recent meeting of the Jury to watch Randy hard at work on another skill. He did a good job. Herding 15 people through a formal meeting is a difficult and challenging task.. The Jury discussed courthouse security and elevator repair and other items. For good professional coverage of the meeting see the blog by Walter Abbott. Walter's blog. Walter really does a great job and I thank him for his worthwhile work.

Good looking courthouse.

I was there early. Mine is the only car out front when I went in. When I came out three hours later the spaces were all full.

I was all alone in the meeting room for awhile.

Randy hard at work.

He was joined bu the rest of the Jury. Here are a few photos.

The Press corner.

This is the only time in the history of the Earth that I have seen Bobbie without a hat.

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