Tuesday, April 3, 2018

A visit to Rosa's gravesite.

Rosa and I drove out to the Bethel Cemetery in Holley Ridge, Louisiana to visit her gravesite. Her gravesite is very next to the gravesite of her husband, Marvin and his second wife Dixie. Rosa and I are cemetery junkies. We brake for cemeteries.

Rosa and I know that we are going to be in the gravesites for a long time but it is fun to visit them while we are alive.

The above is a view of the Bethel Cemetery. It is handsome and well cared for. Below is the headstone at Marvin's gravesite. A nice typical headstone for a couple.

Rhonda managed to get the site in the right side of Marvin for Rosa. Her headstone is a bit smaller. About 6 by 12 inches.

So Marvin will be facing heaven with Rosa on his right and his second wife, Dixie, on his left. Here is a picture of Rosa standing between her headstone and Marvin's headstone. Rosa's left foot is by her headstone.

During our visit I had to pee. I asked Rosa if I could go behind a tree on the edge of the cemetery and pee. She said that would be alright but suggested that I pee on Dixie's part of the headstone. I was quite shocked at Rosa's suggestion. But I could see that she was quite pleased by her suggestion. I think that she was proud of herself. Her eyes twinkled. 


  1. My wife and I just busted out laughing at that last paragraph!!

  2. I thought that it was poetic and funny. Rosa was really tickled.
