Wednesday, January 17, 2018

The hard freeze of 2018.

I am still in the hard freeze of 2018. It is 20 degrees at eleven am. My water line is frozen and the water pump to use the trailer on board water supply is kaput. I brushed my teeth (and made coffee) from a water bottle this morning. The temperature is supposed to go above freezing for a couple of hours at 2 pm. I hope it warms up enough to thaw my frozen water line.

I was doing fine keeping my water line open (a low flow into the sink) until 3 this morning. I had checked the water at 2 am and it was fine. At three the water was frozen regardless of the small flow. At five I tried to pump water from my tank and the lines inside the trailer were freezing up. The temperature dropped quite a bit at three am. (to 9 degrees!) I sleep in the bedroom with the door closed. (keep it warm with electric heater) When I checked the temperature in the front room it was 35 degrees. Must have been below freezing in the compartment where the indoor water lines are. I should have kept the front room warm and the cupboard doors open. Live and learn!

Pictures of the snow yesterday morning.

1 comment:

  1. Better get another small heater for the front room. Hope there's no pipe breakage!!
