Friday, November 24, 2017

Over the hill to Grandma's house.

Thanksgiving morning I took a short walk. This view of the San Gabriel Mountains is the view I had from Pomona while growing up. The tall peak is Mt Baldy. I made many snow trips up that mountain.

Then the Shafais and I took a leisurely ride over the hill to Grandma's house where we were to join a family gathering for turkey dinner.

That sure was a nice ride. Paymaan is a good driver. It was a nice peaceful ride from Eastvale in the San Gabriel Valley to San Clemente on the Coast. Here is Grandma's house and the view of San Clemente.


Pics of the gathering and meal.

This was a Wright Family gathering. The family of my son in law Bob Wright. I was so pleased to be invited and to see some of the Wright family that I had not seen for many years. It was worth the trip!

I hope that you had a nice Thanksgiving.

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