Wednesday, October 11, 2017

History of Crime in Ruston

I went to another Chautauqua meeting at the Ruston Museum last night.

Here is a photo of the early Chautauqua in Ruston.

Wesley Harris spoke at the meeting. His subject was "Outlaws, Gangsters, & the Lawmen Who Fought Them: Lincoln Parish's Law Enforcement History"

Wesley gave a very interesting talk about the history of crime and law enforcement in this area. He listed the persons who have served as Sheriff. He has authored books on the subject.

One crime that took place in Ruston made it into the movies. Bonnie and Clyde came through town, stole a car, kidnapped a couple, and headed north. Wesley gave street addresses and a detailed story of the event. He pointed out that the movie makers (of the movie Bonnie and Clyde) changed much of the story for dramatic effect. The lady in the couple threatened to sue. She did not like the changes.

I enjoyed the evening. Two more Tuesdays to go.

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