Tuesday, August 29, 2017

I watched football in the rain. (great grandson Ross and Hurricane Harvey)

John and I drove over to West Monroe to see my great grandson Ross John Newberry play (he is center linebacker) a football game. Harvey, the Hurricane from Texas, was due in West Monroe about game time. Harvey was a little late but arrived in time to soak me, John, and Ross's, Mom and Dad, Joy and David. All of us will always remember the football game in the rain from Hurricane Harvey.

West Monroe enters the field.

Lined up for the kick off. Ross is number 44.

Number 44 is heading for the ball carrier.

David, John, Joy, and the old prune picker in a dry selfie.

Same group in a wet selfie.

Game over.

Terrible score board. We lost 24 to 20. It was a good exciting game otherwise. I think that we were the better team.

I caught Ross for a photo after the game.  I do not think that he was too excited about having his picture taken after losing a game! But he gave me a gracious smile. Thanks, Ross.

Here is a short video of dancing girls.

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