Sunday, July 2, 2017

Vital Signs. June 2017.

My blood pressure is in good shape. My dose of heart medicine (atenolol} has been increased and I take it half in the morning and half in the evening. I think this is working good. Thanks to Dr Carter.

An important vital sign is my weight. In recent months my weight had increased. This is probably why it was necessary to increase my heart medicine. I went on a diet a week or so ago and in eight days I have lost ten pounds. From 241 to 231. That is good. Maybe if I stick with it I will be able to reduce my daily dose of heart medicine.


  1. I'm on a low carb keto diet. But seem to be stuck on a plateau. High of 362...down to 338. If I'd exercise some I bet it would help.
    Take Care.

    1. Most experts say you have to exercise. I hate to exercise.
