Saturday, March 4, 2017

Vets Lunch at Barksdale Air Force Base

Tommy I, Tommy II, Susie, and Sue drove me over to Shreveport yesterday where we attended a Veterans Honor Lunch. I want to thank them for the nice ride. It is a yearly affair. Several hundred Vets and guests attend. The Vets march under an arch of swords. The Shreveport Concert Bands plays. Generals give speeches. This is the third time that I have attended. It is very nice. I may go again next year.

Tommy II, Tommy I, Susie, and Sue.

See the swords?

Tommy I and the old Prunepicker getting handshakes after marching through the arch of swords.

 I was given a new Purple Heart cap.

Here is a short video.


  1. Very nice - I like to see that. From one vet to another, thanks for your service.

  2. Thanks for your service slide. It was very nice. They played Taps with an echo.
