Sunday, January 22, 2017

Mississippi Genealogical Society Annual Seminar 2017.

There are a lot of genealogists in Jackson, MS. I met some and spent the day with them yesterday at the Society Annual Seminar. What an enjoyable day. Met an old friend, Jim Johnson, who drove from Shreveport for the affair. I met Jim at a seminar in Shreveport. Jim is a nice guy.

The Seminar was held in the Sparkman Auditorium at the Mississippi Ag Museum.

If you are early you can get a seat in the front row. Notice the almost empty hall. That is my brief case in the front row.

Later the hall was full.

The speaker (four one hour lectures) was D. Joshua Taylor. Josh is an excellent speaker with an inexhaustible store of knowledge about Genealogy. I really was impressed by him and enjoyed the lectures.

There were some interesting venders. Notice the gravestone rubbing wax. You can not find that in most stores. Good price too.

I almost bought  a "I brake for Cemeteries" bumper sticker.

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