Monday, November 14, 2016

My grand daughter, Joy, completed a half-marathon (13 miles) with a broken leg!

Joy is awesome. This is her third half-marathon. Her personal goal was to complete the race in less than two hours. In her group of runners this is called a sub two. However, a few days before the race on last Saturday her right leg started hurting. She iced it and carried on. At the start of the race her leg was hurting but not too bad. At mile nine she started slowing down and then had to jog/walk and then could only limp. X-ray indicated a broken bone. (see below).

She could not put any weight on her right leg by the time she got home. She will require a splint/cast and extensive healing time. She is blessed with a fine husband and three great boys.

This is my thought. A stress fracture occurred  a few days before the race. Her running on pavement worsened the fracture to the point that she could not run any more and indeed until she could  not walk. Joy is so conscientious that she ran through the pain. I do not know how she did it. I am so proud of her. My video (below) was made before we knew about the broken leg.

Sub two next year!

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